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IDEAS-TEK Selected Hyperspace Challenge 2020 Finalist

IDEAS Engineering & Technology was just selected as one of thirteen finalists in AFRL's Hyperspace Challenge 2020 to develop new space technologies for the U.S. Space Force. IDEAS-TEK is proud to be part of this year's cohort and looks forward to the opportunity to develop new and stronger relationships with Government stakeholders.

Hyperspace Challenge is a business accelerator program with the goal of developing new technologies to provide the Space Force with secure autonomous capabilities for both manned and unmanned space missions.

AFRL writes, "Hyperspace Challenge was created in 2018 by the Air Force and CNM Ingenuity to accelerate partnerships between the government and startups to shift space innovation into hyperdrive. It does this by building relationships between the startup and government communities that extend well beyond a cohort’s conclusion. Indeed, since its launch, 70% of cohort companies have reported government contracts worth over $7 million linked to their participation in the program."

The program culminates in the Hyperspace Summit pitch-day event on December 3, where an awardee will receive $25,000 in incentives and prize money to expedite follow-on activities related to establishing government partnerships.

Read more about IDEAS-TEK and the 2020 Hyperspace Challenge in the Albuquerque Journal from Friday, October 23 or at the Hyperspace Challenge website at

UPDATE: IDEAS-TEK appears in the Albuquerque Journal on the four New Mexico teams selected as Hyperspace Challenge finalists, along with a quote from Director of Engineering Jorge Piovesan who was interviewed for the article. The article is publicly accessible here on the Albuquerque Journal's website:


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